Placenta Encapsulation
$350 for doula clients / $500 non-clients​

I have been a certified placenta encapsulator for four years and have encapsulated over forty placentas.
I offer this service because I benefited from it personally after I encapsulated my placenta postpartum following my last two births. I’m happy to share the service with other local parents.
Some benefits that my encapsulation clients have reported include decreased postpartum depression, less mood swings, and better milk supply. Overall, in my clients' experiences, it seems to help create a more smooth postpartum transition.
Placenta encapsulation is not clinically proven to have either benefits or harm, however many parents who have encapsulated their placenta report the following benefits*:​
Decreased risk of postpartum depression
​Increased milk supply​
Boost in energy​
Aid in balancing postpartum hormones​
Reduction in postpartum bleeding​
Replenished iron stores​
Supported birther-baby bonding

Placenta encapsulation
Placenta encapsulation is safe and sanitary. The encapsulation process is simple and straightforward;
I pick up the placenta from the hospital and return it within 48 hours. After encapsulation, you will receive a jar of capsules to take as needed in the postpartum period.
Placenta prints and cord keepsake also available upon request.​
Disclaimer: These benefits have not been reviewed by the FDA.
I am not a doctor and this information is not meant to be taken as medical advice.
"I never had the first bit of anxiety, stress, or any up and down emotions...
it was all smooth sailing!."
-- Savannah
"Taking my placenta has increased my milk supply and helped
regulate my hormones."
-- Rachael